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Out and About 



News about where I will be, whom I'll be visiting 


Please note that as I am teaching full time there is limited availability for me to deliver workshops.














1st June 2019


Masters Degree Ceremony at Ely Cathedral


I am proud to tell you  that I after three long years I completed and passed my MA in English Literature!

The ceremony was at the beautiful Open University venue of Ely Cathedral in Cambridgeshire - the cathedral is amazing and the grounds were magnificient - and to top it all off, it was a lovely, hot, sunny day!


 I thank all my friends and family who     helped me to attend and those also who supported me throughout the journey, and also all my students and fans who never let me forget my own catchphrase 'If I can do it, anyone can!'- so I had to do it!

 Life is a bed of roses - only roses do have thorns - you have to learn to lean on the people who love you, have faith and keep going, no matter how tough it gets.



Now I will have more time to dedicate to my writing - so watch out!




8th October 2015


James Cambell Primary School - Networking Event for NQTs where I will be speaking about my writing and reading a few extracts from my books.



2nd July 2015


Ad-Deen Primary School  - feedback from pilot scheme where children have been reading Arty Tardy - they will voice their opinions, give feedback on the scheme's aim to promote inclusion and improve understanding about autism. 

General Q&A session with a book signing afterwards.

All are welcome! bring your copy and get it signed!


24th March 2015


I will be visiting Godwin Primary School where I will be

reading  some of my poetry and short stories.

It is a priviledge to have been invited again and I look

forward to talking to the Creative Writing Group about

their new writing enterprise.



17th March 2015


I was a guest speaker at Dagenham Library 

celebrating ALL WOMEN'S DAY where I read

extracts from my books and talked about what inspired

me to become an author.

It was a wonderful day with so many astounding women

talking about their various enterprises and achievements

- in particular the esteemed lady Mayor of Barking and 

Dagenham herself Elizabeth Kangethe! What an

inspirational lady she is!




24th February 2015


Today I visited Godwin Primary School in Dagenham

I met parents who are writing a book of short stories  - messages for their children - my kind of stuff!

We talked about what inspires me, the challenges and fun of writing.

There were tears, laughter and hugs and plenty of refreshments! Thanks Alison!!!

Met so many wonderful members of staff too- what a great school and I look forward to visiting again soon!

Thanks to everyone! 




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